
we loves us some robot on robot violence!

Will it have Mini HDMI out? It wouldn't be a dealbreaker but it would be hugely appreciated.

I don't care who teams up with what as long as I can drive the Batmobile.

I'm a guy but with a name that most people mistake for female (Kitten) and I've gotten really nasty comments both while playing online and via PSN. It's really disgusting.

I assumed that people reveal their true nature when they're online and anonymous. The false persona is when they have to be held responsible for their actions.

@Jonathan Altman: I'm not saying that UMD sold well, they just sold at a $20 price point (I believe, I can't imagine they sold more) . I guess the takeaway is that if they expect to sell a limited product for the same price as their fully featured counterparts, they will be setting themselves up for failure.

The movies better be cheap. If a 3-d 1080p movie that can be viewed on multiple devices by multiple people simultaneously is going for $30, I wouldn't want to pay any more than $5 for a movie I can only watch on a tiny screen by myself. One possibility is including a digital download with Blu ray copies of a given

Hell to the Yeah!!! This would be sooo good! If they released each one at full price I would still buy it. Especially Snake Eater. If they included MGO in the collection along with some new DLC, that would renew interest in it.

I love Bad Company 2 so much!!!

What about for mac?

It's cool guys, she's got an X-box with a 90's calculator taped to it. No worries.

I want to see the snake eater trailer I could hear in the background.

I like physical items, like the scribblenauts hat, or the mirrors edge bag. I've never seen an in game item that's interested me enough to sway me. I did like the gold revolver in RDR but I would have bought it from Amazon without it.

Didn't Kevin Butler make fun of Cirque de Soleil at E3 last year?

@SuicidalEarthworm: Who was opposed to going from black and white to color or SD to HD? I think the only problem people had was that HD was initially expensive, they were forced to adopt or to use converters, and some people either couldn't tell or refused to acknowledge the jump in quality. 3D is legitimately

Amazon... totally. They often have the best price, they're easy, no objectionable sales practices. I do miss going to midnight launches.... but then there hasn't been a game worth staying up for since Metal Gear Solid 4. (By that I mean a game that is both assuredly great and also has the promise of attracting a good

I wonder if having a green avatar would give a person a subliminal advantage?

I kind of love the outfit my character in Warhawk wears, it's a sweet leather jacket with padded shoulders, military pants with lopsided belt and awesome boots with lots of metal banding.

they should do monthly fees or longer free play. I've been playing battlefield almost a year now for free, why should I pay the same price and then monthly fees? DCUO is okay but it is not worth $60 plus $15 a month.