Don't forget to add the price of a chair... which you can use with a Wii or Ps3
Don't forget to add the price of a chair... which you can use with a Wii or Ps3
@Erghantar: Incidentally, I didn't really like modern warfare 2, but I thought the graphics were clean. I guess good wasn't the right word, but it was clean and smooth, if boring, in the same way MGS2 was for the PS2.
I could do with another 3 or 4 years of PS3 at least. I love it and have not seen it's software lineup outgrow it yet. When every game released looks as good as MGS4 or MW2, then I'll start thinking about what's next.
About all this stigma business, maybe if all of the almost 6 million WoW players would go public about it, there wouldn't be a stigma. Tattoos had stigmas even 15 years ago, nobody cares now.
God forbid people be held accountable for what they say. Also, if people saw that 4 in 10 WoW players were women, maybe sexist misogynists would think twice before opening their pie-hole. If you want to be able to safely and anonymously be a bigot, why not post on the public bathroom stall forum.
I love it!
I have a problem with the trophy for tying up a woman and putting her on the train tracks. It's really awful.
I would start with Flower or Katamari Damacy, something substantive but very accessible.
Where's battlefield Bad Company 2?
@BryanH: I kind of think the W scarring punches.
It's about time. Now if only they can give superman a personality.
their toys have been pretty lame, I felt like the best were the kenner toys in the mid 90s, though nostalgia may be making them better than they were. The figures they made for the force unleashed were really poor. The sculpt was half-assed and their build made them seem dainty and not brimming with sith force.
I hadn't thought about editing video on the PS3 but now that it's there it makes me think about what a great interface the controller would be for editing. It's got two sticks for jogging or shuttling back and forth on both source footage and edited video as well as a bunch of buttons that can be mapped to specific…
I'm glad I procrastinated so long on playing SotC. I'm also really hoping to play MGS3 in HD.
@Pretty Sneaky Sis: Kind of hard to avoid when the console is attached to a girl at the hip.
It would be a waste to have a portable system as powerful as the wii with no analog sticks.
Judging by the new trailer it looks like the changed his helpless flailing bounce off of springs.
I hope some of that fan feedback was don't do it episodically
That's really awful. I don't want to have to do that to earn a platinum. I guess Rockstars trophies are so ridiculously hard to complete, I don't think I'll even have a chance.