Why didn't he just google and call the store and have the paper in 3 minutes?
Why didn't he just google and call the store and have the paper in 3 minutes?
Why "reportedly" serve admirably? This seems to imply that there is doubt.
@Jake W.: I've got a feeling they're not going to waste a lot of money advertising it. They've probably already realized they missed the window to sell big and they're not going to throw more money at it. They'll probably just release it quietly and cut their losses.
@jayntampa: Honestly I just assumed it didn't do well based on the lack of internet and media buzz coupled with generally bad reviews.
I can't imagine this game selling more than 3000 copies at most. Who would buy a late game adaptation of a remake that didn't do se well in theaters when there are a few alternative games in the same genre that have already gotten good scores. The movies characters weren't interesting, the battles were forgettable.…
@Kenshi_Ryden: It would probably play similar to MGS except almost no weapons and your melee options are weak and messy. There would be a lot of hiding and watching. Watching your enemies, bystanders, judging behavior. It could also be a top down rpg and whenever you encounter anyone you would have options : evade,…
good idea but poorly executed.
@Kenshi_Ryden: I was thinking about a game set during historical attrocities, WW2 for example. Where as a Jew you would have to escape germany. But every encounter is life or death and you really have to choose. Killing a soldier could raise unwanted suspicion in your area and result in collateral damage to your…
@Female Orca: Totally, MGS always gives you good motivation for killing your enemies, but also a lot of reasons and methods to avoid killing the enemy. And the great thing is that it becomes a better and more interesting challenge when you don't kill.
I think I heard the producer of Uncharted 2 talking about the killing being representative but not literal. Drake kills hundreds of soldiers because it makes for a more fun experience, but if it were a non-interactive narrative, he may have killed half a dozen only when necessary.
@Nethlem: besides, I used to love manuals for old games. the manual for \ Super Mario Bros. 3 was epic. But nowadays it's all greyscale screenshots with bulletpoints.
@Nethlem: Games have budgets before they have profits, budgets go to developing, profits go to Porsches.
Good for them! Who needs manuals anymore? Most games start with tutorial levels anyway and if you really need it spelled out you can look online. The less paper, the better for the environment, and the more resources can be saved for the actual game.
@moutski: This discussion is kind of pointless, GOW is a shallow and ignorant if not sexist game that relegates women to plot devices. We've probably just put more way thought into the role of women in this game than the developers did. Doesn't mean it's not fun to play. It's a drop in the ocean of sexist society.
@moutski: How about Dom doesn't whine about his "wife" all the time because there's no place for traditional monogamous heterosexual marriage in a society so desperate for survival that women are reduced to babymakers.
@Antiterra: How many women fought in the, american revolution, civil war, or WWII? Not in the invading military force but in the defending civilian population. When a volunteer army goes out, social norms generally govern the population of the army, but when a home is invaded or attacked, anyone who can will…
I totally have the pearl pink fat and it's awesome!
@drag: I'm not okay with whaling, but the Japanese (as well as other cultures around the world) practiced subsistence whaling for centuries, never overwhaling and using all parts of the animal. Then with the industrial revolution the US and Europe went crazy for whale fat, whaling in an irresponsible way, bringing…
I once used my PS3 web browser to reset my router. The interface page for the router had only been tested on IE. Firefox and Safari had trouble with generating a crucial button, but the PS3 internet browser was able to fix it. Hooray!
They totally edited her by playing footage from the game over her talking. I was totally distracted by the fact that they were showing the girl having her breasts groped on TV while Dr. Olson was trying to make some important points. "Pay no attention to this crazy woman, you've got to be scared shitless by this video…