
@The Village Vidiot: I got the SE of SFIV. I was sorely disappointed. The Free prequel movie was so boring I could not make it past 10 minutes. The soundtrack CD was forgettable, I wish they would have just given us the original music or a decent update. And the Ryu figure was meh.

@The Village Vidiot: I always prefer physical pre-order bonuses to lame in-game gun skins or timed exclusive levels. Though this is pushing it.

achievement unlocked: dislocated thumb

I'm also usually drawn more towards open experiences like GTA or Borderlands, but the thrill of Uncharted 2 was that it really made you feel like an action hero who doesn't have time to ponder what to do next, you always knew what you have to do and you did it because you're an action hero, not a politician. Even

If it's set during the American revolution it's a great setting for colonists VS Britain multiplayer with melee and shooting.

I just want an AC game that really makes you feel as huge as the robots are, give me perspective and a sense of weight.

It would be interesting to put an enemy on the ground, handcuff, or ziptie them. Perhaps this could lead to other enemies not using grenades for fear of hurting their still alive allies. I think there could be many interesting possibilities. I guess it depends on what it means when they say surrender. Would they lie

what about the poor folks who worked on Assassins Creed II only to have their names ignored because the credits rolled over gameplay?

I would love to be able to play regular downloadable PSP games on the PS3... Peace Walker maybe?

I wish it weren't first person, I felt like it didn't really add to it or make you feel immersed. Almost all sports games are 3rd person, because seeing the body's movement connects you to it. Assassins creed makes parkour very visceral, I think mirrors edge could take what ACII did further by putting their level of

I think it says "kill them, they're russian"

I hope it's not another FPS, it just doesn't make sense for the franchise. Goldeneye was the best game of it's time, but we're not relying on N64 graphics anymore. Everything or Nothing shows how good a 3rd person Bond game can be. #jamesbond

@Vidikron: It makes me think about the value of digital information. Everyone generally appreciates sports or music as something enriching to a person, but it can be hard to justify the value of videogames to non-gamers. Lose/Lose illustrates the idea that digital files on a computer can have very real

I think it's brilliant. It makes you think a lot about the nature of games and digital information. Great art is about raising questions. #loselose

@Orionsaint: I got the original PS3 on the first day and I love it. I use it for games, movies, family photos & videos. When my mac wasn't able to correctly display my Router's setup page (safari or firefox) the PS3 allowed me to setup my internet. I will definitely be taking advantage of the Netflix streaming. I'm

It's okay but the voice sounds a bit too serious, I would like someone with a little more humor, like the Lupin voice actor.

Japan has pleasantly colored garbage trucks that play music like an ice cream truck as a nice way to remind you to get your trash out. THe ones I saw had flowers painted on the side so it doesn't seem like a stretch to advertise on them. Besides, they stop& go all around he city, calling attention to themselves. Why

Too bad you don't need a wii

Nintendo PR people are so rehearsed and unconvincing. They look like they're in a high school speech class.

I'm sorry that happened, I hope you get better soon.