@TaggarT6 blames Canada: I always thought a shark alien would be awesome.
@TaggarT6 blames Canada: I always thought a shark alien would be awesome.
Strange that they focus so much on her fighting police and so little on her actually traversing, which I understand was kind of the focus of the game.
I'm a sony fanboy all the way, but if Microsoft came out with a dual analog handheld, they would have me.
If they donated 100% I might think about it, but it's hard to justify when I have netflix. I think they need to offer a better deal for people to take that first step. I have yet to download any movie or TV show on PSN.
Aside from this sounding even worse than the olympics game, I hate the circus! Clowns are creepy and only work as villains, and they torture animals so they can sell tickets and popcorn. Circuses are disgusting and pointless.
So what I am able to understand is that for every user, there is a high end PC equivalent at their server centers? That sounds prohibitively expensive. I thought cloud computing was when the processing of gargantuan data is distributed in small parts to a lot of weaker computers, not the other way around?
Like the article implies, I think the drugs, alcohol, video games,etc. are symptoms of being a college student. What are we supposed to take away from this? They imply that all of these are related, can we then infer that eating lots of ramen will result in multiple sexual partners?
I was so bummed when the PS3 didn't end up supporting 2 monitors. Though they can't add another HDMI port, it would be nice if they could add an SD second screen through component output. This would be great for radar, inventory, maybe a second player.
I love it. My friends and I always referred to the Klobb as the halo gun because it seemed to shoot a halo around your intended target.
I would much rather have dual analog sticks than touch screen. Maybe a sixaxis portable. The download only route sounds very smart. It would reduce costs significantly and they could set up download kiosks to work with Memory Stick at brick and mortar stores.
I have no interest in ever seeing any of his movies but I actuallly respect him, in some ways he's like Michael Bay. He just loves making movies, he knows exactly the kind of movies he wants to make and he won't let anyone or anything stand in his way. You have to admire that kind of passion, and as long as people…
@liquid_kore: in the same vein as JCVD?
I feel like software should be pushing the hardware, not the other way around. When developers start running into walls with the PS3 hardware that prevents substantive progress in games, that's when a new console would come. At the moment, i don't even see that on the horizon. When every new release equals or…
Many Bothans died to bring you this footage.
This game would be so much better if it were star wars battlefront III.
I'm actually sort of fine with this, it wouldn't affect my M-Rated games, and maybe it would force game developers to come up actual characters instead of cardboard cutouts for cliche-mart.
I guess it figures that Sarah Palin would have guns for high heels.
If the camera ends up spending so much time switching to 3rd person, why do they bother even making it an FPS, they should just go ahead and make it a fully 3rd person action game, there's no reason to make a bond game FPS anymore.
I have that same vacuum, it's awesome!
If I never heard Cam Clarke in a game again it would be too soon.