
With all the rumors about a hypothetical PlayStation 4K counsel being released later this year, I would NOT buy one now if I didn’t already have one.

With all the rumors about a hypothetical PlayStation 4K counsel being released later this year, I would NOT buy one

If I suddenly began feeding your dog, he would display all the signs of “love” you think he shows YOU.

My cats like me and like only me. Dogs are whores, they’ll love anyone.

I read that as “Project Spank,” which probably would have been a much more successful endeavor.

He’s clearly cheating, and I’m going to report him!

Yeah, but how could you feel the same way if it was only accomplished by cheating?

How did it get past the editors!?! LOL They probably came up with the idea!

Just stay away from the DS version [of Lufia II]...

So you felt like you couldn’t just say to people that you preferred to play something else. You felt you had to present it as outside of your control?

There are accolades?

What is the point of cheating in an online shooter? Why not just play fairly? Don’t you just end up feeling like a loser if they only way you can win is through cheating?

To your own goatmom you’d do such a thing?

Canada, eh?

This is my first time on this site. Are the authors always this scummy?

Do you really not understand the distinction between “talking about it” and posting a spoiler in a headline?

Don’t be too hasty. Sit with it a few more minutes. Maybe you’ll come around to banning him after all.

Not the freaking point. Given what happened to Captain America in the comics, I’d been wondering whether something like that might be explored in the movies, and now I know it isn’t because Tom Ley is an asshole.

Yes, it is, insofar as it tells anyone who hasn’t seen the film that “no one dies.”

Spoilers right in the freaking headline three days after the movie opened in America...

Nathan Drake: videogamings biggest mass murderer! :)