
For movies that “nobody liked” they sure made a ton of money.

Some time prior to Rebels.

It gradually changed as the Empire arose between the prequel and old trilogy. The clones aged quite fast compared to normal. You see this in both the Canon Clone Wars show and Rebels. Main clone characters during the Clone Wars were in their 60s before the OT events begun. The Empire outlawed cloning and replaced the

“ Naughty Dog’s dropping a bit of coal in our stockings”

I’m glad everyone else here pretty much agrees this isn’t a bad thing. Come now, Jason. Don’t try to stir a pot not boiling.

Whatever makes for a better game. I have plenty of games I still havnt played and have No rush to add to that list. If this is truly the last uncharted, then rather naughty dog have all the time they need to go out with a bang

I say this is a good thing, as I’m sure many others will echo. Far too many high profile games are released nowadays that suffer because of trying to meet publisher enforced deadlines.

Personally I don’t get how it destroys the ‘happy ending’ in anyway given how the EU destroyed it decades ago now.

first of all this is an Atari Jaguar..................

A game based off the 80’s transformers cartoon is released. And it was amazing.

I would say good luck to Kojima. But he’ll do fine. Konami however...

Nice article, unfortunately the WiiU’s status as a sidekick console is really troublesome. One, not all of us can afford two consoles. Two, even if we have the money, not all of us have the time. I’m hard-pressed to keep up with new releases I’m interested in just on my PS4, there’s no way I could play all the games I

“I can already see the scene,” he said, chuckling. “Elena says, ‘Where do we go now, Drake?’ And he’s like, ‘THE MOON.’ And then Sully’s in the background saying, ‘You’re goddamned right we’re going to the moon, kid.’”

That’s him. Anthony Ingruber.

Holy. Shiat. Cast this guy, right now.

Now playing

Um, the guy who’s already played a young Harrison Ford in Age of Adeline and got the job because of this:

You take that back.

Now playing

Toshiro Mifune was a fucking amazing actor. Ever film he was in demanded you notice him and his character to its fullest. Even disregarding Seven Samurai (how the HELL do you do that?) taking 'Yojimbo' and 'Sanjuro' on their own just displays his range as an actor.