Nintendo? Learning?
Nintendo? Learning?
This will never get old.
Call of Duty is one of the most best selling games in the world (especially in 'Murica), yet people freak out about this almost comical simulation game.
Yes, it's not like enjoying killing people with guns in a FPS game.
I think I need this game.
Love how you are the one posting sex-related images but I'm the one in the grey zone.
Now, I am simply trying to find a job. She says is OK, that I need to find one, but when I am starting the job, she gets angry and threatens to leave me if I don't come back. I come back, and she judges me about being lazy and not having one. I should also mention, she does have a job, which took her some time to get…
Death Note adaptation sucked.
No, thanks, Nintendo!!! I happen to be smart!!!
Pre-ordering something you don't even have a clue about is plain stupid.
Well, opinions are subjective. In my opinion, neither the Wii nor the Wii U are excellent, not even great.
Nintendo has been really cheap regarding hardware lately (the Wii was cheap, the Wii U was a generation behind techwise). I really don't think so.
Once we launch a new platform, we naturally start to prepare for the next one. As it takes several years to develop a single platform, if you ask us whether we are preparing for our next system, then the correct response will be that we are always developing new hardware. On the other hand, the most difficult question…
Oh, don't be upset. You knew this day would come.
The best this week.
I love her... hair. Can´t take my eyes off of her... hair.
She got close. Really close. If she were a real person, we'd have been nose-to-nose. It was weirdly uncomfortable. My brain—only partially aware that what it was experiencing wasn't real—surged its synapses with mixed signals, ones usually reserved for awkward encounters with actual humans. "Who is this person? You…
Racing games, thrusting with R1 doesn't tired your thumb as thrusting with X.
Yeah, but they are open about it. I'm just trying to help you "understand the fascination with speed runs that are only possible via glitching". As the article says "It's fascinating to watch akira bend the game like this" to some. They're not like the konami code at the beginning.