
You're actually right, that's why I said this is a clasist discriminatory commentary system. Aparently, not everyone is equal in Kotaku.

I've learn that, in order to be read, you have better chances posting a comment over an author's paragraph. That's probably the reason why this comment (and many others of mine) received answers. And if I receive answers to well-redacted comments, why shouldn't I be out of the grey? Why so many other commenters

That may be the case. But I can't restrain myself when something seems unfair to me.

The way it is is like "everyone is under suspicion of being a troll, prove otherwise!". It shouln'd be like that.

When the trolls come back, they can be banned. It's not that simple to make another account, you have to register and have another e-mail address. Too much work for making a joke just to provoke.

"Being selective is no burden. Having the most visibility is earned. What's the difference between not being on top and not being visible without a click of the mouse? Very little."

This commentary system prevents me from DISCUSSING about games the way you can, because my comments are not visible until the reader clicks the button that allows them to be read. Commenters don't have the same treatment. That's pretty discriminatory.

This is an unfair classist commentary system that punishes a lot of commenters that want to discuss the articles in good faith due to a few idiots. They should instead ban the trolls, it shouldn't be a big deal. The great majority of us just want to talk about games.

I'm still in the grey and I'm not a troll (and a lot of other commenters aren't neither), just a regular commenter who enters their site on a regular basis. They should know that by now.

You're right, I meant nazi.

Questions? Concerns? Let us know any time.

Nintendo may say it's not passing along charges to the consumer or that it's saving the consumer money. Actually, Nintendo is saving Nintendo money. Nintendo is thinking about what's best for Nintendo.

Exactly. If I'm a potential costumer and I read this, that you need a sold-separately charger to make AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE work, I wouldn't buy it.

You're not getting the point of the article.

Me too... into my heart.

That's a real screen shot from a real video game, and Navarro wasn't even trying to break it. It breaks itself. Big Rigs is a flaming pile of software created by a company called Stellar Stone. It was developed by the kind of studio who brags about being able to develop a game for $15,000.

So, basically, Mario is a dick.

I think you're taking Space Dandy the wrong way in your article. It's not a joke that BooBies' restaurants are shaped like breasts, or that it's Dandy's favorite place to go. Those aren't funny per se, I didn't laughed at them. Instead, they prepared the ground for the jokes, they give you context and give Dandy's

I really going to miss Meow, the "cat". He's hilarious! How I laughed when he turned into a zombie...

I can't believe you didn't include...