So they cited people who finally ripped off the band-aid and made the jump to non service jobs. Good for them. There are still thousands of early 30s folks afraid to take the same jump.
So they cited people who finally ripped off the band-aid and made the jump to non service jobs. Good for them. There are still thousands of early 30s folks afraid to take the same jump.
all facts
#makeWawaHoagiesGreat Again
He’s clearly eligible for Medicaid, the health care he needs would cost him very little.
Trenton is a shit hole.
Sounds to me like her problem is that she isn’t doing that. all her men wander off
I wonder what her critical flaw is. She can attract anyman but can’t keep him from wandering off. Must be a dead fish in bed, the hottest ones usually are.
True. Not everything has to be a fucking Chris Nolan suduku puzzle. I could get down with a really gritty feudal japan period piece of just sub zero and scorpion though.
That’s not how deterrents work
Nah, Vin Deisel is like 5'9 and the whole macho man thing would be ruined if he only came up to The Rock’s chin. You can see the camera tricks all in the series.
Watched the tmz vid of the Quavo Saweetie incident. Reminded me way too much of a certain ex gf being drunk AF, taking a swing and a miss, then pouting about it. The way he stands there looking at her says “this woman is crazy, I need to find a way out of this”
Sounds a lot like urban Democrat voters
Imagine the things he could do with a drop of charisma
hes too good looking for the women to complain that much.
TD cancelled my account because I was the manager and signature authority of a business with unsecured loans. I wasn’t the owner, just an employee. The biz closed and the ownership walked from the loans. I guess TD had to make themselves feel better.
tell us the race of the teller.
Correct, Hindenburg are professional take down artists for the shorts. Ideanomics is another one of their targets.
I believe there is merit to the idea that the D party is turning on Cuomo because a sexual harassments/misconduct takedown can be managed more more easily than covid policies causing death and ensuing coverup. The Party can twist the narrative into taking a moral high ground and ceremoniously cutting off a diseased…