Don't have the free time nor the patience for the bottom feeders.
Don't have the free time nor the patience for the bottom feeders.
We're done
yes of course, because that's much easier for you to dismiss. and you've done nothing to convince me you understand a fucking thing other than begging for more,
so in your sycophant world, I live off my employees, whom I pay greater than the standard in my industry to keep and not my customers, is that right professor parasite?
it's amazing how many of the helpless left know more about Ayn Rand and Rush Limbaugh than anyone I know from the right, I guess it's all the free time the parasites have waiting on their host to feed them
Max attended the zero-sum gain stagnant pie school of economics, he was a star pupil, unfortunately he couldn't ever pay tuition unless he asked the government to seize it by threat of force from others.
Brilliant, enjoy your life of helpless frailty living as a parasite of the people who pay your bills.
No, it's a big fuck you to another worthless piece of shit living off people like me.
how may do you employ Pablo? your tattoo guy doesn't count unless you employ him directly, neither does your whore mother.
How many people do you employ you sniveling piece of shit?
and I don't give a fuck how you "feel" perhaps you missed that point dipshit.
" their employer should offer the benefit that they'd then pay the small percentage to acquire"
25 cents? did you get that from debbie wasserman schultz cunt mouth?
why would it be even conceivably be ironic for young kids to want to work there?
Bitches indeed be crazy
My only qualm with any of it is, why it's linked to Deadspin?
Oh Hai Keith, your burner name is apropos of your future career choices.