
Been there. Wanted to do that. But didn’t.

Whoa..... Disney, take a note for a future Star Wars movie - twin Death Stars!!!

First pic looks a bit line an angry ben affleck...

There’s some smarts in this design concept. In a shooting war in Europe (where this airplane was originally intended to fly), airfields would be prime targets. The side that could operate on unprepared fields would be the side flying the most...

3.2 points for the fish dance...

It’s... it’s.... it’s Ruk the Android!!

2 points.

i give you a point for that. I just keep watching...

writing them is equally soul-sucking...

i did that 17 years ago. nothing to it

One of my fave soccer plays ever.

You get 2 points for that.

Oh the megaliners bigger, but they’re not tougher...

No, it’s good. That means the Empire is benevolent toward us. If it were facing the other way...

Most people don’t. Including most people here, most politicians and most economists...

You get a point for that.

You don’t deserve this, but I’m giving you 3 points for that.

be nice...

i dunno; beer is pretty straight forward. you buy it in bottles or cans.