

Pretty easy to look back and criticize how bad things were when technology was in its infancy. There was some pretty bad stuff there, but it was better than some of the stuff from decades ago. Methinks there is also some Star Wars hate playing a role here, too...

Looks like escape pods...

Wow. I’ve gone my whole life without knowing what a Mary Sue is. Not sure I’m going to remember it; we’ll see. But I really liked the movie though...

Nope. I lined up on the first day, and got to sit in the first row, farthest to the right. I was waiting for this movie for months. So were many, many others. I wasn’t like it was a small deal when it was released...

Nice car!

A lot of people will hate this movie, but I don’t give a crap. They can never be pleased, and they’re idiots. I’m just going to enjoy it...

Still not in any hurry to see this. Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised when it makes it onto TV...

Looks a bit like Thunderbird 3...

Obligatory CGI-hate...

They. Oh....

Those boots were made for walking...

That’s my point. The hate for the guys that gave it to you. But, let’s face it; you already knew that.

Oh great, a whole article on Star Wars hate.

I thought it was more about over-population?

I think if you knew Shocking Blue was the original, that just follows. Sorry, no points for that.

Clint Howard??

Ooooh. 4 points for that reference!

Crazy awesome.

No, but it is interesting, isn’t it?