

I just can’t get enough of this stuff.
NASA and JPL; you guys are space exploration rock stars.

I’m up for it. But did we wait too long? I think it keeps getting farther and farther away at this point in its orbit(?)

ATV tracks...

My understanding is yes. A more interesting question would be “did their dongs still function”...

looks like refried beans and mashed potatoes. nothin’ wrong with that...

Okay Nine, we hear you.

I think we can call the Space Shuttle a space ship. Your criteria are overly stringent. And blaming it all on Tricky Dickie isn’t fair either. While you can shale your fist at him for other reasons, he didn’t single-handedly terminate the space programme. The US taxpayers grew weary of the cost, and lost interest once

New Horizons - the little robot that just keeps giving...

sigh - can’t we just enjoy the science with trying to start shit?

No we didn’t measure it.

If you turn off the volume, and just watch, it is interesting. I’m not supporting this in any way, but why do we laugh at this, but accept cosmic inflation?


You knew it was coming:

lame insult - you can do better.

50 $ hookers?

nobody predicted that

prolly shouldn’t criticize things u don’t understand...

we shall see...

Hmmmmm. 13.2... Getting uncomfortably close to the magic number, aren’t we? What happens when more powerful telescopes start coming online? I’m afraid...