
I have a Siemens tube radio like that shown in the image, and a Telefunken one and a smaller Zenith one. Yep, they’re real obsolete, but still cool.
I have a whole crap load of Carver stereo gear, a bunch of Tannoy speakers and a B&O and a Technics turntable. That stuff is pretty old, but calling it obsolete might be

Interesting. I must admit that, upon first glance, it looked like a polluted pit of oil and tar from somewhere in Texas or Alberta Canada...

that makes me hate them more

I hate snakes.

Yeah; don’t wait so long, next time! Mock something you don’t understand faster than that, can’t ya?!?

Dang you! You pre-stole my thunder!
And I would have done it so much better!

I dunno. I think that hindsight shouldn’t be part of this discussion, nor should it be subjective. Clearly nobody liked Jar Jar. But I say it’s because he was a ‘cute’ thing aimed at kids for the purposes of brand marketing and upselling through McDonalds. It was an utter failure.

you’re doing exactly what you say you aren’t doing- you are clearly a GOP apologist, and you are clearly ignoring the history

incorrect, GOP boy

That’s true, but maybe the more critical part of the point was the “war hawks” part - the types that always get us into deep sh*t, and almost ended the world in the early 1960s...

Living in an imported German van in America.

I thought so too, but maybe a bit more Xindi:

Frankly, that’s not enough to hate a movie. If it is for you, then you’re in for a WHOLE lot of movie disappointment for the rest of your life...

okay, maybe you’re right - how about this then - stepping knee deep into the gray area between “direct evidence” and indirect evidence, and perhaps a little more than knee deep...

oh, I guess because it is indirect evidence...

great perspective.

Except in this case (for dard matter), there is no DIRECT evidence, therefore, we should always be either looking for that, or looking for alternative explanations. In physics (modern, post 1930s), we tend to rest on our laurels once we are comfortable with an explanation, and get a bit lazy on experimental evidence

You are making assumptions as well, my friend. The assumption is that the relationship between matter and gravity is uniform over great distances. We assume that what we know is rock solid and leave no room for the possibility that we might be wrong, or that we are missing a key / subtle detail.

The astronomical evidence amounts to “dark matter has to be there” - nothing is behaving like we think it should based on what we see and how we think things work. That’s the “evidence” that we’re talking about...

Better pack some thermal underwear for those temperatures of some 40 above absolute zero!!