
2.5 points for the bottom one.

Well done.
You ‘Rex Kramered’ him!
4 points for you!

2 points for that...

Right on the Tu-4, but if you’re referring to the T-34 being the best tank of WW2, you are incorrect. It was certainly the most influential tank of the war, in that every tank that came after it had sloped armor like the T-34 pioneered. But best? No way. It was notoriously unreliable, the early versions had

wasn’t that bad

that is some ugly sh*t

Okay. Very few of the total number of Christians are Mormon, and the rest know little or nothing of what’s in their book. It’s irrelevant except to Mormons.

It would take a rich guy to take the side of the middle class and the poor. Teddy Roosevelt did it when he brought down the railroad barons, and FDR did it during the depression. But many bought-and-paid-for politicians tried to bring them down. If not for WW2, the rich guys would have forced FDR to stop helping the

I’ll take your word for it. I have very little knowledge of the Mormon faith. Bought the book for real cheap, but can’t imagine when I’d get around to reading it.

A timeless image.
I believe that it was from Apollo 8...

It’s not written anywhere that the Earth is 6000 years old. That is a “derived” number, calculated by “scholars” - please do not lump all religious people together on this point.

Great point. Try changing that now though. The wealthy are very happy with this trend and will stop at nothing to see it continue.

On the left, not bad at all. Although I’d feel a lot more comfortable seeing something about “direct evidence” as opposed to just evidence.

Hmmmm. ‘the working class has no honor’... signed, the idle rich.

Flytrap is right, but you can have freedom of speech and protect the population as well. In certain parts of Canada, you can’t send your kids to school without certain immunizations. Talk all you want about what you believe, but keep your non-immunized kids at home. Works for me...

I’m neutral on Hawkeye. But Black Widow is boring?!? NOT!

I don’t think I can go along with an Iron Man - Captain America hybrid. I love them both, but mixing them together isn’t like chocolate and peanut butter. It’s more like beer and bacon & eggs. Sure, they’re great apart, and you might sometimes even have them together. But put them in a blender together? No. Just no.

Sounds like you’re predisposed to dislike anything with Matt Damon in it.

It’s old, but still an awesome image...

I guess all the others crapped on you enough.
To be fair, it was an important step for the American space program- it’s not like the Soviets would be giving the US all their data. They learned a lot from those space walks.