
Yeah, not the best part, I guess. But I really liked all the other bits.

I liked it.

I have mixed feelings about this. There’s a lot to not like. But there was plenty to like as well. Take the bad story, replace it with a mundane one, and keep the character interactions, and we’ve got a great Star Trek movie. But, alas, they didn’t do that.
I have actually watched this many times. It is hard to get

This is interesting. Normally, when a SF movie comes out, and everyone bashes it, that makes me wanna go see it. It can’t be that bad, I says, and they rarely are.
But with this movie, I just can’t bring myself to watch it. Even now. And I actually like JT. Maybe it’s the scientology connection.

Meh. Not that bad. Not that good either tho.
Btw, the 2nd Star Trek pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before, was really good, and it also counts as a 10% brain type story...

I would say more disappointing than bad. I was able to get thru it (although I doubt there was anything better to watch during those 2 hours)...

I refused to watch it for years. I never liked the concept of throwing things together like that. Okay; except the Avengers. Anyway, I finally saw it on TV years later. Not that bad. But also quite forgettable. Starts out interestingly, and then...

Hmmmm. A lot more noise about the scientific inaccuracy. I’d recommend “Out of Africa” - a horribly dull movie, but you’ll be happy to know that there are 0.0 scientific inaccuracies in it...

Thanks. You’re the 2nd person to say that. I think I actually have the DVD somewhere; I’ll have to dig it up...

John Boy.... starting to sound familiar... maybe I did see it long, long ago...

so does cutting the lawn i guess

You can get over the science inaccuracies if you try (otherwise, you might as well not watch any more SF- and just watch movies like Out Of Africa- dreadfully dull, but no scientific inaccuracies). That said, The Core was pretty forgettable on most levels...

I liked it. Not up there with Alien and Aliens, but it was okay. Better than III and Resurrection, at least.

Meh. Not my fave, but it’s pretty watchable.

I can’t argue that. I don’t like them either.

They weren’t that bad. They were unnecessary I guess. And trying to outdo a great and highly watchable movie with tons of action and (pretty good) CGI was just a mistake. What we loved was the mystery and the violence (in that order). You can’t replace that with insane action and meaningless plot twists (in that

Wow. I’ve never even heard of this.
Reason enough to watch it sometime, I guess.

It’s good.

I had no trouble ignoring that stuff. I thought they were great.

Gee, I thought it was great. Some questionable parts, but I got over the artistic inaccuracy and enjoyed a really, really good movie...