
I think that 3 uber-long movies were enough, and did not need an extra 5 minutes. Maybe an extra -5 minutes? Or -35 minutes.
(I just wasn’t a big fan...)

Again, this is a great excuse to complain about there not being a 2nd movie! :-)

I know. But Darth was probably just using this as an excuse to demand the second movie, which after all, is what we all want...

Those bastards are just so evil.
I mean, look at ‘em!
I say we go to war against them!
Who’s with me!

That guy looks a bit like a Vian:

I usually don’t award points on a non-Friday, but I feel that I must award 3 points for the awesome BB reference...

As in James T. Kirk.

Come on. It’s only 6 months of a frigid icy Pluto-esque hell...

Yup, turns out that they weren’t evil alien asteroid bases...
Confounded spectacular space probes!

THAT was the equation!

That was no run-of-the-mill action movie...

yup, cynical.

Bill and Ted didn’t do it, and neither did The Matrix. It was the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies that did it for him...

Yeah, we never get to install the cool names. Tried to make my first son’s middle name Tiberius. The wife said no way...


I like it.
Anyone suspected of being uber-partisan gets “the treatment” until s/he becomes more bi-partisan.
Eh? Eh? I think this can work!

I want to go watch this NOW!

thats it youre suspended or 1 hour.

Doesn’t seem to work for humans...

Black Widow is currently already quite awesome...