
Careful there. Capturing overflow run-off as described in this article, and pumping water out of lakes in Minnesota are two different things. Think Aral Sea...

You asked for it!
I'm Keith, and have been a hard core SF fan for nearly 50 years. A huge Star Trek fan, esp. TOS and TNG. Liked Voyager and Enterprise, would watch, but don't care too much for DS9. Liked ALL the moves; even 1&5. Yes, and the new ones. Also a huge Star Wars fan; liked ALL the movies. Like the cartoons

Hater denies making a statement that is visible at the top of the thread. Moron.

So everything you don`t agree with is extremist. Gotcha.

Hardly trolling. Just calling you out. Sorry if you don't like it.


...and thinking of a middle ground (ie something other than an extreme point of view) as "mythical" speaks volumes...

I thought I made myself very clear. Extremists like you should listen to other viewpoints. Extremists from the other end should do the same. Life, science, religion and conversation are better served when not limited by blind polarization.

"There are people who trust the science and there are people who think all science, especially evolution, is the creation of the devil."

Right back at ya.

Maybe that's not a wave; maybe it's Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Nope, can't prove it. But the description by a guy names Aubrey doesn't fit with the Dwayner...

The two extremes that won't listen to each other's viewpoints. I'd say you might be one of them judging by the extremely high level of stereotyping you've managed to cram into one sentence.

How would you feel about Benedict Cumberbatch? Or Hugh Laurie? And Hooke could be played by Charles Laughton.

you have yourself a wonderful day

“criminally”? really?

Hopefully we can let the science guide us without people’s personal bias from either extreme...

Well, then it probably counts as an archaeological site. Either way, the city will not lose this, unless they don't really care that much...

Damn straight they are! For the most part, when a movie that piques my interest gets a crappy review, then I know that I won't be disappointed!

For a second, I thought the headline said that they wanted a Radial Redesign...