
We should have some answers soon!

massively goofy!

Everyone agrees, but the movie was a serious money maker...

I'm going to watch it.
If everyone here hates it, I'm all in.

I figured; I was talking about arse holes.

You have it backwards. Holy crow, mister.
Aaaaaaand the personal attack.
Well done.

I gotta think that there are way less than 3-4 billion dicks. By that I mean people that literally don't give a shit about the next guy, or more importantly, the less "important" guy... In the sense that if the guy is bleeding to death, he does nothing because there's no immediate gain in it for him. That kind for

that is what she said...

I guess WW1 made it even less honourable by doing away with an entire generation of expendable oafs. While the officers had tea many miles behind the lines.

Interesting that we think of how the British had the sense of an honourable warfare taken from them by the nasty Germans. The truth is that they had no problem doing that all by themselves. Case in point- the officers (from a higher class in society) generally had no issues with sending 1000's of grunts (generally of

jets? in WW1?

So the Russian government are dicks and the US government are dicks. Are we good?

I would not disagree, but some of the others made good points.
However, you didn't deserve all that hate...

Observations SUGGEST that there is more matter than we can see. That, it is the point sir. And that assumes that our current models are correct. And there's no guarantee of that. Until we are sure of either one, we can't close the book. The discussion cannot be finished. More work to be done.

that's way more interesting than the cat soldiers...

Interesting. But weird, too...

I just posted a few things on Facebook and Twitter.

That's the best thing on that list...

i was being sarcastic

i was being sarcastic