
The opposite side of the plate would be perfect, except that the weiner would just fall into the hole.

This has to get done. People are talking about the possibility of the B52 flying until 2040, or later. I think that this will happen. The reason is pretty straight forward- what would replace it? More B2's? The next bomber? Both options are beyond affordable...


Awesome pics.
Stupidly, I was thinking that you were going to show some adversarial action shots.
Until my brain kicked in...

Yup, it's designed for rough airfields. I wonder , however, about how that MTBF would suffer if they did it very much, though...

Nice beaver.

"You simply do not need a high-end stealth bomber to fight black and camo clad jihadis driving around in Toyota Hilux trucks."

I've never heard an SR-71 fly-pass, but I've heard the F-14 (an absolutely f-ing amazing 1-jet performance) and the F-4 up close. Those F-4s are batsh*t LOUD!!
See that black smoke coming from that inboard F4? That's LOUD smoke!!

no internet...

He also mentioned that it had better result in a kill. The implication being that it can give you a temporary advantage, perhaps just enough for a kill. So useful, but risky. Just like any speed-dumping maneuver.

Wow. Great article.

Apparently, in this case, revenge is a dish best served....

We've been jumping fighters out of worm holes for years now:

"...the U.S. should immediately transfer large stocks of precision guided munitions, targeting pods and spare parts to Jordanian forces..."

Hard to beat those big bastards.

an innocent f*cked up age...

and it is... history

a mini fat man!

maybe a bit before that

Now playing

Okay. So I can see I'm jumping into a big pool of hate here, but I have to say something.