
There are active US Navy personnel assigned to it. I guess that makes it pretty active.

Manliness? Who said that?
We have bases around the world to help us to protect our interests - trade interests. You know that iPad that you're using right now? The gas in the car that you used this morning? Being the largest and most dominant economy lets you have all the cool stuff that you have in your nice house.

You're right; what was I thinking!

He's right. When we retired the F-14, we retired THE best fighter plane in the world.

Um, without bases, we're pretty much emasculated...

And don't forget that everybody loves a fly-by. Do they love the campaign stops?

That's an awesome image. I was searching for an old F-14 marketing photo that I had years ago (many, many years) that compared the F-4's turning circle with the F-14's. Wish I still had that stuff! Btw, I didn't mean to bash the F-4- I think it was an awesome machine in it's day, and a very capable role player after

That's a cool shot, but Tomcat wins over Phantom any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

i was obnoxious

Ow! And I so desperately wanted you approval!

I'm sure there are a lot smarter people than us messing this up right now as we speak. The underlying problem is that our military is not built to fight political/religious insurrection. Know who had some success with it? The Nazis (well, the Gestapo)- but their "success" was on the political side. When it come to

It's about measured responses. We can't risk starting WW3 for strategically minor things.

That's just a tad pessimistic. If a US carrier were attacked, there would be hell to pay.
It is something that could happen as a prelude to something bigger, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. Not now. We have the only true blue water navy. All others are pretenders, are on our side, or are geared to hit and

Lots a beauty pics, there, friend.
Didn't know we had that much hardware over there.

No doubt about that...

Never was aware of that story. Thanks. Looks like the Willie P was the wackiest ship in the navy!

I'd go back and make sure that they filled the av gas lines in USS Lexington with CO2 in the battle of the Coral Sea...

Nice avatar, btw.

It totally would have happened on Gore's watch...

Look; we can, but WE'RE NOT ALLOWED!