
I've never been a "pc master race" jerk but I have to admit that last year was a fantastic one for pc games and the current one looks to be just as fine. Every time I see a post from console gamers bemoaning the lack of fresh titles I feel so sorry for them. When I tell them that one of the reasons I'm mainly a pc

Rockstar you better give us bonuses. Cash reward, extra missions. Something. The reality is no matter how much they polish the game up. Expect glitches.

I'm fascinated by the culture and samurai system myself, but the more I read about the subject, the more it feels like it's just barbarism in a tuxedo. The code of honor was just window dressing rationale for barbaric behavior that was similar to what was going on everywhere else in the world.

This seriously looks like a video Onion news would make. I can't believe its actually real, lmao

It's not that I think I'm infallible, it's that often the debate just isn't worth having. When I wrote my initial comment, what was in my mind was the constant back and forth concerning the consciousness issue. I believe that one day people will be able to be replicated, including their consciousnesses, because

#2 is actually terrible. It asserts that

In other words, you're a lesbian. You need to find the right woman.

So basically you decided to turn an article that was about something that has nothing to do with you into an article entirely about you? And 13+ fellow asshole Jezebel commenters decided to star you for this effort? 'kay.

Except The Interview isn't making Sony any money and the hack caused a PR nightmare that will likely hurt them for years to come.

Yeah i definitely like that the TV version of GoT has made Tyrion to be realistic and able like a regular (small) person, not an acrobat. Its great that his only effective weapon is his wit.

The first time you are excited for a Final Fantasy game in over 20 years? I doubt that.

People were just as butthurt with Jack Thomspon and Leland Yee. The difference between them and Anita is that the gaming press lampooned the shit out of Jack and Leland for their asinine takes on video-game violence, whereas Anita is used as an actual platform to discuss gender issues in video-games. There is a

This isn't about GamersGate, it is about the over reaction that a lot of people have when it comes to virtual women in video-games.


nah, it's different when microsoft does it. it's only sony who backstabs and steals games from honest hardworking innocent companies...

Japan has it's anime-themed cars. We have our obesity-themed cars.

Primarily male, but I've definitely seen female owners on occasion. They definitely exist.

Great, make it easy for Jessica Nigri why don't you!

I'm holding out for "Dude, Where's My Chocobo?"