
It is normal, the leveling is optimized for someone who doesnt do every quest. I didnt mind because for me the quests were never about the rewards but about the quest itself. The best gear you can get is the crafted witcher gear anyway so reward stuff is always going to be inferior.

average 6-8% of his subscribers watch his videos.

Nah, im more of a Armani kinda guy.

Whoa, whoa... are you insinuating i like wearing Hugo Boss?

True, true... but he didnt so i still think they might not like him very much.

No but i would assume that to a real nazi, mocking their idol would be kind of a dealbreaker.

Do you not understand what an example is?

Wow. How about some retrospection? I only returned your insult, cunt.

No, thats about it. Well, not only about making a joke of that “experiement” but the fact that he supposedly exploited some poor brown guys who didnt know any better to make that joke. Pretty fucking condescending line of thinking but who am i to argue with a bunch of sjw.

I have found it.

Nothing he does makes him a nazi, this all is just dying publications like WSJ trying to stay relevant by smearing a guy who is representative of the medium that is killing them.


Oh, well thats the well known one, though still pretty obscure as actual nazis are as much a rarity as they are a fucking joke.

Ok. Dave Chapelle is a good example of a comedian, of course. But i dont agree you have to do stand-up to be a comedian. You have to do it to be a stand-up comedian, a specific kind of comedian. Pewdiepie would tick those other two boxes, though i would argue only the last one is necessary. The first one might be

his image was featured fairly heavily on the banner for some Neo-Nazi website recently because of his content. 

What you said can be summed up as “hes not a comedian respected by great comedians” Well duh. Who gives a fuck. That doesnt change the definition of the word comedian. Being shit at a craft doesnt make you not a craftsman. It makes you a shitty craftsman. 

I mean, im sure you can find an example of a nazi individual liking any famous person, that alone means nothing. I was just wondering if there was some significant group of nazis who like Pewdiepie rather than just edgy kids who like hitler jokes.

I wasnt asking about this instance, i was asking if you believe that generally because thats how you made it seem.

So, finding humor in kicking animals, as some sick individuals are wont to do, is subjective?

NO, Hitler loved animals and so all animals are Nazis.