
I mean, Milo works for Breitbart. You’re expecting him not to just make shit up?

We call it “games journalism” but it’s really just hobbyist/enthusiast press. All of it is written with voice and perspective with the goal of being entertaining and informative about a narrow subsection of popculture.

“a bomb threat from feminists.”

Organizers of the meetup included Christina Hoff Sommers, a professor and critic of liberal feminism, and Milo Yiannopoulos, a writer for Breitbart who claimed on Twitter today that this incident involved “a bomb threat from feminists.”

“Gawker hires Lois Lane”

I’m glad you guys can poke fun at yourselves.

Shirobako should be mandatory viewing for today’s anime fans. I know that after I watched it, I find myself being much more sympathetic to TV-broadcast anime, just because of how absolutely grueling it can be to complete an episode and push it out on time. You can still say that stuff like this is “inexcusable”, but

Truly, these modders have learned from the best.

I’m almost done with my mod. It removes other people’s mods, leaving just my mod, which mods out people’s mods. I’m thinking $99 is a fair price.

I love it.

Lotta ethics coming from TB right now.

This is so based. I wasn’t going to go in for this game but now I might have to.

Three Words: Star Wars Celebration

That’s because it’s dialogue ripped directly from RotJ and not newly recorded dialogue from this movie.

You mean, in the same way Han Solo always has been just Harrison Ford in a leather jacket?

Really? I mean, don’t you think it’d be a little fucked up if they didn’t show anything new from the movie at Star Wars Celebration? Just a little?

Should have put some grey in Chewie's coat.

So surreal to see something you thought you’d never see in your lifetime.

I love that you know this!

Also he probably would have spoken (or heard) Greek rather than Latin. Greek was the common language of the eastern half of the empire.