
Seconded, we don't call it the Hardy Speedway for nothing.

Honestly, I'd rather have the Zonda that's behind the Agera.

.....Thanks Jalopnik, now I have the urge to start drinking and it's not even noon yet! Seriously, that's just so wrong.

Agreed, Seb is pretty damn awesome, but he still pales in comparison to Colin McRae.

+100000000000 Most Houstonians can barely drive in the rain, let alone the snow or on ice, add in that the city really has no way of dealing with snowfall and the like and the situation gets ugly, fast. Good news is, snow and ice are pretty rare here, so there aren't too many situations where you'll have to deal with

That would have been awesome! But yeah, unfortunately it was just carbonated wine.

Better, bar and free arcade games

6th street really is just kinda meh, but the bar called recess is kinda fun if you like free old arcade games.

You should also kick THROUGH the door, rather than kicking the door itself. Meaning you should still be extending your leg when your foot makes contact rather than impacting the door at full extension.

Sure, just let me take a cutting torch to it first :D

Yup, it's a law of averages thing, and with public transportation here being such a joke all the idiots that don't really want to drive anyways are forced to do so. Thus, we wind up with asshats that do crap like this.

290...I'm so sorry. 290 seems to be the worst of them, so you might want to make that 2 beers......or upgrade to whiskey.

I couldn't agree more, though I'd be happy with 75.

Lol, yeah I moved to the Westchase area and now have a commute of 4 blocks. So much nicer than wading through Houston traffic.

Most definitely. On the Hardy however, the left lane seems rather redundant since the whole damn thing is more or less the Hardy speedway. It's almost always worth the cost IMO to take the toll roads, with the exception of when I was going to something like an autocross event at 6am on a Sunday and there was next to

And this is a prime example of why, here in Houston, I take the toll roads whenever possible. While, yes, there are still idiots on them, there seem to be fewer than there are on 45 and 59......unless it's rush hour on beltway 8 then you are better off going to get a beer after work and waiting out the traffic for a

I'm definitely going to try and drop by. Seriously cannot wait for the work day to be over tomorrow.

Yeah, but let's face it, he'd likely be doing that anyways. This way the differential of speed is minimal at least.

Yeah, you know you're out there when even the psychos in the KKK and the Neo Nazis look at you and say "dude, you might want to take it down a notch".

Yup, if their car explodes, it's their own fault. That said, the 75mph zones are generally between cities rather than on the freeways inside city limits and exist because the only way to get between cities in a reasonable amount of time is to be going 80mph or faster.