
The graph of the quality of writing over the course of this season of Doctor Who is like a seismograph... seriously. Spyfall 1 & 2: Amazing. Then it went mediocre until Fugitive of the Judoon, which was amazing. Then it went mediocre again until Haunting of Villa Diodata, which was amazing. And then the penultimate

...which hasn’t happened yet, and takes time to build. But sure, speak in absolutes, ya fuckhead.

Especially during times like now where there are no episodes with the current Doctor on the air, this could be a novel way to get a Doctor fix.

A majority of Americans trusted President Obama, while an even larger majority of Americans don’t trust Donald Trump. There was 0% chance that President Obama would ever abuse the system, while the odds are probably a little better than even money that Donald will send an alert to the nation insulting Colin Kaepernick.

Have you seen our current president? Ever?

I am still hoping he doesn’t wake up one morning

——This is a test of the Presidential Alert System. This is only a test. If there were an actual president in the White House, you would not be subject to an avalanche of bullshit EVERY SINGLE DAY —-

“You are not going to have a situation where the president wakes up one morning”and sends an alert.

Eh, people still think you’re crazy.


This was just locker room talk, what a bunch of crybabies.

Ohh, great, more cables I can’t use with the new iPhone.

Listen up:

Not really, but that is another way to darken your phone. But that just inverts ALL the colors, including changing blue to yellow, etc.

What? Nobody suggested “Doggy McDoggy-pants”?

10 PRINT “That’s what she said”

Why six as opposed to five? Once you get past four, my understanding is that the length of the passcode is hidden, which is probably what thwarts an IP Box

“Right now 50% of all the lactic acid is held by the top 1% of runners. I want to stop the 4 min and 5 minute milers from controlling all the lactic acid in this country.”