
Dag I got my communications degree from Phoenix Online - didnt need no boojie HCBU to get where im going

I feel bad for the Dad but... my need to leave at 5pm to get home and feed my under 1 child is questioned, and counts against me at my job.

People: read the links in the story before you pass judgment. If you want a quick overview...

C’mon now, we’re not talking about the cops, no one’s about to get murdered in public. But I’d much rather see humans get kicked off a plane (shit, drag her for all I care) than have an innocent creature die alone.

Black people created every form of American music

I know Bruno doesn’t wake up wondering, “how can I steal from black culture this week?” I also don’t think Elvis woke up wondering that as well. The only reason we’re having this discussion is because he’s successful, he supplies a demand. Complaints can simply be answered with “I refuse to buy or listen.” Everyone

I hate that we’re even having this conversation. Miley Cirus and Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato and Katy Perry got away with actual appropriation. Miley might’ve been the worst offender in the history of mankind. She took from the culture, made it look like absolute trash, and then walked away from it when she got

This whole “Bruno Mars is an appropriator” thing is a tempest in a teacup IMHO. Does he steal bits & pieces from other people? Sure he does, but then again, who doesn’t? People say that Prince “stole” from Rick James & James Brown and maybe he did, but he also created something totally unique and different with the

I agree. And, while she’s intelligent in many ways, she’s incredibly gullible. She seems to have that “Goop” mentality of “This ‘expert’ is attractive and charismatic; therefore his/her opinions/treatments must be legit!”. From Dr. Oz to “The Secret,” she’s consistently championed pseudoscience and woo-hoo on her

People, Oprah running for president is NOT a good idea. NOT. Like, at all. Oprah is a very smart, very kind person, and those are great leadership qualities- but that’s not all that’s required of a president. I have no reason to think that Oprah can create and push through an infrastructure bill. Or oversee the

ICE has way overstepped their bounds on many, many occasions, but his isn’t one of them.

If Netflix doesn’t use resumes* to determine pay, then WTF else is there to use? Happy feelings when they meet the person?

I actually don’t hate the name “Chicago” for a baby on its own. It’s not my favorite but it’s by no means the worst I’ve ever heard.

Why not both? I don’t have kids yet but if I have a girl, I’m going to teach her to stand up for herself and protect herself. If I have a boy, I’ll teach him to respect women and get consent (and vice versa). Just because it’s not her fault regardless of the steps she took to protect herself doesn’t mean we women have

Something something don’t blame the victim.

Why?? Because we need to stand up for ourselves and stop putting ourselves in uncomfortable and maybe even dangerous situations just because we are afraid of hurting someone’s feelings.

Why not both?

To me, its also the vindictive angle about it. It was only when she sees that he just won a Golden Globe that she decides “The world needs to know he’s sexually aggressive”. An anonymous account of the incident for BOTH parties, could have illustrated the point and been described in the same amount of detail. Yet, the

I get that Rose McGowan has a unique place in this horrifying story and I’m reluctant to judge her because of it, but I feel like she’s attacking EVERYONE for not being pure enough.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.