
I thought it was rude too, and a little condescending. I mean Meghan’s sister is obviously an attention whore, but Harry could have chosen his words a little better.

I agree-ish, but I’d walk on eggshells around HR. Don’t forget that HR is there first and foremost for the company. If LW is in a temp position this could backfire and not get her in the running for a permanent position or just be let go. I think depression can be categorized as a disability (?) so it might be illegal

Wait, is 1.5+ hours really not an acceptable reply time?? How on earth are you supposed to live your life in meatspace if you must constantly be on-call and tethered to your phone?

Her father’s coming to the wedding, so even if she doesn’t see him as close family, it makes it awkward to have it said publicly where he can read it. Also, while I can believe that she sees her family as being mostly her mother and her, I don’t buy that she’s looking for the royals to fill in those gaps rather than

Yeah my wife and I have similar feelings. We both grew up on landlines, followed by flip phones, then got smart phones in or out of college.

Yeah, that was my first thought too. Meghan’s written things about her parents that make it sound like she has a loving relationship with them, so I’m not sure quite what he meant? Having divorced parents doesn’t mean one doesn’t have a family.

100% agree, in fact, when I read it I thought of how, I don’t know, presumptuous it sounded. But maybe the girl is feeding him with stories and so he has a very skewered perspective on the family dynamics. It happens.

That gave me pause. I have no idea what’s up with her family, but it looks like at the very least, she’s close with her mom. “Family she never had” is a fucked up thing for him to say or even think.

I’m surprised no one’s talking about this, I hate most of my family but I’d be PISSED if my fiance said some shit like that to the media or even in private.

That did sound really weird and rude.

“My family is royal, and her family, well, they don’t really even count.” Maybe the dis is totally justified—I wouldn’t know—but damn.

That brown on her tho... were they worried about her outshining Kate?

I paid money to the shelter to cover the costs of vet care they had put forward when they took in my cat. I didn’t pick my cat as much as she picked me - I sat in the middle of a room and she came to cuddle me. I would have taken her home no matter what after that.


A human can choose to have surgery to alter his/her body; a dog cannot. How hard is that to understand?

She is mutilating dogs without sedative or anesthesia. She is keep waaaaay more dogs on her property than she should strictly need to as a breeder of supposed repute. She is doing all this against the law, willfully, knowingly, and without remorse or thought to the well being if her own animals.

A lot of it would be stopped if the AKC would make it clear in their breed standards that the tails and ears are not to be altered, full stop. Their “integral to defining and preserving breed character” stance lends an air of legitimacy to a practice that’s well outlived whatever usefulness it might’ve once had.

Completely agree, so many dogs and cats are euthanized that supporting breeders is not what an animal lover does.

Not that I’m a fan of going after 82 year old humans, but the whole thing of physically altering dogs to suit our tastes is pretty awful and we need to stop doing that.

Weird, the guy with face tattoos makes ridiculously bad decisions.