When you’re white commenting in a black forum, you are already to some degree sucking up the oxygen in a valued space. When a POC responds to you, a knee jerk reaction means you didn't take the time to digest what was being said. Allies know better and you'd do well to heed the advice instead of needing to prove you…
We do our best it seems, don't we?
Trust me, politically the UK is nuttier than a fruit cake too.
Clarification on Eric Holder
Well, toadies gonna toad. We see you Lindsey.
Good! I'm so glad to hear that!
Are you going to backup all your blog posts Roo?
Omg. The tragedy. Perfect.
I've been culpable of this in the past ashamed to say. But now it's like a veil has been removed and it amazes me how far ppl will take it and how many will reply before realizing it.
Oh my Lord, Pete just has to Pete. He's my former mayor so I have to reblog the rebuke he got lol
This was worth the effort to read ❤️
Firmly believe they are trolling.
You are definitely insincere and most definitely a troll.
And he’s got nearly three months left to continue wrecking the country at an accelerated clip
Do you know how many executive orders this son of a bitch can execute between now and January? He’s got two months to adjust to a lost election and two to just concentrate on pure revenge and destruction. That’s what keeps me on edge.
I'm glad he received his flowers in love and praise before he passed.