

That’s one of my major curiousities at this point. With them pulling characters from the recentish Infinity event, does that mean Avengers 4 will pull story elements as well? Will Thanos be looking for Thane on the side? Will it turn out incursions are happening and Time Runs Out? Or maybe Thanos gets the gauntlet and

From the stories I’ve read from women, public transit is a popular place for the non-Hollywood creeps to jack it while leering at women.

You don’t think masturbating in public is common? I wish I was so innocent and naive.

Thank you very much for the heads up that there’s gonna be more CCS. I hadn’t heard that before, and I just watched it all the way through for the first time last year, so I’m now hyped for this.

Thank you very much for the heads up that there’s gonna be more CCS. I hadn’t heard that before, and I just watched it all the way through for the first time last year, so I’m now hyped for this.

Twitter has been mocking the ‘stable genius’ part, but I cannot get past the ‘being, like, very smart’ bit. What the hell happened there?!

Bots. Millions and millions of bots. And that small slice of the populace who like him.

Can I braid your hair?

Maximum Derek.

It’s Austin.

This sounds like the weirdest version of ‘I have a black friend’. These racists think if they can memorialize black Confederates it cannot be considered racist since, y’know, it’s a black person cheering on white supremacy.

Testimony is evidence. If I say you did something and you deny it, that is two pieces of conflicting evidence. Scumbag.

For a moment there I thought you’d gotten into the Xmas eggnog a little early.

Hickman’s recentish Avengers and New Avengers run that ended with Secret Wars was pretty great.

Hickman’s recentish Avengers and New Avengers run that ended with Secret Wars was pretty great.

Ehh, I’m betting she’ll be back in Ep9. 🤷‍♀️

Indeed, but LMK when the police finally step the hell up and do their jobs. Right now, the only people doing anything are employers, ergo the only punishment are people being fired.

Who are you calling an amateur? She’s the sister to the most skilled Jedi in the galaxy, of course she took a few lessons in the decades since we last saw her.

You’re already on the Internet, so you’ve made your first mistake.