
Ok now, let’s look back at her time on the show. She’s a naturally very funny person who has tremendous charisma and some decent standup chops.

“You like-a ‘de juice? Juice is good, eh?”

“Say Leslie, can you be a ‘black Jimmy Fallon’?”

If you think I’m arguing in favor of mediocrity then I must not have phrased my initial comment very well.

SNL, they take that one [trope] and they wring it.”

“Taran wanted to do so much other stuff, but they would only have Taran in those very masculine [roles] and singing and stuff and I said, ‘Oh! This is a machine.’” (Pharoah has also echoed Jones’ sentiments about being boxed in.)

Did SNL also make her flub every line she had?

Has this woman ever had a positive experience?

Leslie Jones is pretty much a one trick pony, and the people at SNL obviously understood that, where she fit into the ensemble cast, and used her accordingly. SNL is the only reason anyone knows who she is. It’s unprofessional to diss the people who gave you your chance at a career but if her past is anything to judge

Yup, here’s the thing - the game is a bit MID and thanks to the setting (who knew space would be soooo......) it’s definitely pretty boring. I hate that this is my opinion on it. But there it is. Walks like a duck, etc.

Yeah, chill. That's the word. Not another, more honest word for something that puts you to sleep.

Under the cozy security blanket of your chosen pronouns.

I can get the writers points...but any game that you keep falling asleep to is not a good thing when you day it out loud

I have another word for games that make me go to sleep (like Starfield)... boring.

Keeping his head down and staying out of it.  Which honestly, is the best move.

You don’t even need a real torch. The tiki torches you put around your RV campsite work just as well.

See, this is how Big Angry Mob gets you. Everyone thinks they need a brand new pitchfork and torch each time, but the old ones you have were probably perfectly serviceable.

In the middle of all this, one has to ask themselves where is Wilmer Valderraaaaaahhh that’s right…..

Top 10 Ashton Kutcher & Mila Kunis Apologies Slideshow

But I spent all this money on a new pitchfork and torch!