
Is this replacing amazons own five star review system? if not I fail to see a huge problem.

Well, I just lost my chance at a billion dollars

where did you find this? please link


They will never get past

chu wan me to make snake cry?

does the GMG survey work for preorders?

But why was Squall called Leon!!!

They still won, thats lame

Cam Newton is a class act and to even compare him to Sherman is down right shamful

Where was getting hit by a car shit?

I always thought it was dying in a freak gardening accident.

Nothing for PC? ...but...but...we are the master race!

and you get a 5 buck digital game credit! its like you got paid to buy it

You might remember that sometimes you would see someone else's tombstone while on your travels, specifically someone named "Andy"� whose epitaph read, "Here lies andy; peperony and chease."� What?! The story is that a kid named Andy was particularly amused by those Tombstone pizza commercials that growled, "What do

But stuff happens in it based on your past choices in season 1 and 400 days. hence why i need to play it on ps3

I played season 1 and 400 days on ps3 so i guess i am going to have to keep my ps3 a little while longer

not like the graphics are gonna be better. its cel shaded

The NFL is a non profit.

Fallout New Vegas also 5 bucks on amazon for PC!