
And what did these egg heads do to earn such a vast amount of money? Did they stay up all night and on the weekends coding the final product? Did they draw and design the world's and the characters? Did they film the tv commercial or design the cover art? No they did none of that. We could get rid of them and we would

Would these people shut the hell up already? You sounded stupid in the 90s when you blamed video games for school shootings, and you sound just as stupid now. You think no one got a concussion in football until 1993 because of a fucking video game?

Fuck billionaires.

You people realize you can't see yourself in the game right? It's first person, hence the name first person shooter. Who cares what color you are or what your stupid space suit looks like.

I own a Tesla, and you can't game while driving. It's disabled unless you are in park.

People forget it's still in bata and wasn't even supposed to come out till December. Also it's free to play. I'd be more mad over Rockstar coming out with it's crappy remaster I spent 60 bucks on than something that is free. Also I'm sure it will get better as time goes on. People need to get a life.

Get rid of all of them, they bring no value to the company. Let the programmers and developers who actually make the game and do the labor be the new board.

Only hope for success the title says? Rockstar is laughing all the way to the bank from all the suckers who bought it from pre orders.

If masks worked we wouldn’t have the highest numbers of Covid since this thing started right now. Over 7000 cases in PA yesterday and they have a mask mandatory policy.

Larry Fitzgerald finished his degree there and seems to be doing pretty well lololol 

If no degree is useless, may I interest you in buying my degree from the Art Institute? I’ll sell it to you for a steal of only 60k

Author probably played Civilization and thinks Gandi was the next Hitler because he bases his political opinions on video games.

I wish Gawker would of just died with deadspin when it had the chance. This is a shit article. 

I wish Gawker would of just died with deadspin when it had the chance. This is a shit article. 

Jokes on you, he has more money now than any of us

If masks worked Covid would be no more by now, as they are mandatory everywhere

How bout they do something like work together to try and stop Covid? We may have a new president in a few weeks anyways. No need for 25th amendment. Can we just get rid of this two party system already?

To get drunk via a drinking game

China did a big con with masks and social distancing and they were fine. Quit living in fear.

Thought Jimmy didn't have a job because of a black face skit, I'll pass.

Not really any great games coming out for it anyway. I'll wait a bit