
This and KH3 will make me buy a ps4

While a degree helps with pay, you will still deal with idiots

Why didnt he have a cell phone?

Nice article Jason, I agree with getting away from the number system and I am guilty of it as well. I will scroll down to the bottom to see the ign review number before even reading the review first.

and they will be able to play it on thursday

Farewell was beautiful. Such a great game!

I want to take a keg full of baja blast and dump it on Albert

He's not dead. I'm missing something here.

ill take the guy between them for best abs

People still care about NASCAR?

Someone is holding a sign saying "Tom Brady sits when he pees."

I liked the one where he butt fumbled

Madden has already price dropped? Wow!

Still a better game than Madden

Still a better game than Madden

Stan Lee is rolling in his grave right now. Damn you Jack Kirby!

Keep doing what they are doing with PS. Try to make better tv's for cheaper and get back into the tv market

so i could try sim city or battlefield 3 for 23 hours then return it? thats awesome!

is this for a snes emulator or gba emulator or what?

I wish i was friends with her!