
I mean, it's just kind of annoying that someone like Katy Perry who doesn't have an ass can buy four of them for her stage show, when anyone who knows anything about her background knows this performance has nothing to do with her culture or identity. I find it offensive that she's a poser as much as an unintentional

The first two cited authors are women of color, Jamilah Lemieux and Ayesha Siddiqi:

You missed a big one:

Hey listen. I have PCOS and at my worst point, waxed my hair every single morning. Yes, my hair grew long enough overnight to wax it off again. Nobody knew, other than my parents and nobody would ever have guessed, but overnight trips where I couldn't microwave the wax or camping trips where I wouldn't even have a

Holy crap on a cracker, this is the biggest "missing the point completely" that I have seen in ages.