
I was referring to his example alone, but yeah that would be kinda awesome. Problem is, the dwarf fauna (insects etc) will always be there.

This elephant seems to defy those laws though, considering it dwarfs the two ships approaching it.

Leave that picture on your screen and go anywhere else in the room. His eyes follow you. Always.

Hawaii: Far Cry 3

Alaska: Skyrim?

Wording a fact in a certain way as to obscure the truth, even Lara looks disgusted.

If the Japanese textbooks for English students are just as good, I'm interested.

I'm not sure if either boat is to exact scale (the scale looks slightly smaller), but still, they're darn big. The mast is around 36 feet high.

An excellent-looking fantasy town with a huge castle and impressive statues from Team Absolute's Nebulus:

Anyone else thought this was Kratos?

The most traditional definition for completing a game is probably reaching some kind of ending after which credits will roll. Some people argue that a game isn't "beaten" unless you finish it at 100% without dying while playing on the hardest difficulty. These opinions for "beating" a game vary by game, by genre, and

I knew Conan was small. I did not know he was this small.

This was really painful to watch...

Can you recognize this character?

Might be better to fight it and knock it out cold though, I bet it snores loud as hell too.

Something like with the Morpheus the world changes around you. That combined with my hopes that at e3 they announce the collaboration of Nintendo and Sony to make something like a Wii <3 PS console.

Haha didn't see the giraffe at first. Would make sense in a place where people kill eachother over a can of food to kill the animal for a whole lot of meat.

Never noticed, but it kinda looks like the font is stolen from the minimap of a racegame

Zombie sim?