Really? Ok, let me do the math for you.
Really? Ok, let me do the math for you.
Indeed, your brain will see a big amount of aliasing instead from that upscaling. AA can only do so much on consoles.
1080p is more than twice the amount of pixels that 720p has, dem jaggies when upscaling.
Still, half the pixels is half the pixels.
Correction: console exclusive. Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son are examples of true exclusives :)
I'm not sure what to make of this study, by researchers in Germany and Australia. On a literal level, RPG gamers are better than others at fishing paper clips out of a container of ice-cold water. Scientists think that means they're desensitized either to pain or, going further, important life events, even.
Dat uncanny valley... If your game happens to not land in there, just slap a horror genre label on it.
I say that it's not authentic in both my posts. The argument in my second post is simply because your counterargument was moot. Lastly I didn't question if that food itself was authentic, but if the people making it found it to be authentic.
Doesn't matter if it's similar crazy ass stuff, if it's not sushi with the same mango on top and the same filling then it's not authentic.
Agreed. The sushi in the picture already seems to have a good proportion of rice/filling, but then they just slap a piece of mango on it. That's definitely not made 'properly'.
True that, but the only thing the chef is saying is that its not authentic. He never said anything about tastiness.
So did they all claim to be 'Authentic' as well?
I don't think you will regret it if you like FF and Pokemon. Have fun :)
Izanagi No Okami^^ But yea I guess it's playstyles, cause mostly I can add up several hours of gametime extra as well. Just with P4G I tended to run past enemies a lot, which was a habit I got from P3.
Indeed. I have a lot of the ports on Steam as well as on my Vita and they are much more enjoyable on the latter. I have a gaming pc and ps3, but my Vita gets the most love at the moment. F***ing Spelunky City of Gold run...
Well, you pretty much do normal attacks and use items and stuff yourself and to use things like elemental attacks you use your persona. They get summoned, do their attack and go away again within every attack. The persona's are based on mythical beings like Izanagi, Odin, Lucifer, Anubis etc.
It's because you collect persona's (pokemon) that fight for you, so yea it's kinda like pokemon in that sense. You sometimes get a random persona after a battle, that you can then use like you do pokemon, fight using them, switch them out and gain experience and new skills for them. You can also fuse these persona's…
Eventhough I don't agree with a good majority on the list, mixing it up does show the strength (and also weakness) of the Vita. Ports and indies play and look great on the Vita, but it also shows the lack of AAA titles that could support the Vita on their own.
It might depend on which difficulty you choose, I figure the only difference would be more grinding or strategical play thus taking more time. Got the platinum finishing the game 2 and a half times (for cleanup) just above 100 hours, but didn't play on the hardest difficulty settings.