
I don’t pretend to understand most of the endgame patch stuff - I only just got to the endgame myself - but man, I gotta say ( in relation to the earlier ‘can’t choose between classes’ article), what I’d really like to see is some form of resource sharing between all four classes. Make me level them independently,

These particular iMacs are AIOs. You *can* get a traditional desktop too (the cheese grater) or a Mac mini–but this particular rumor ain’t about them.

iMac nods and smiles politely, and wonders “who was that?”

Choosing to write a story about Rogen’s clarification isn’t the same thing as picking out a specific anecdote from a larger profile of him.

Honestly even $99/year wouldn’t phase me.”
Like... yea its gonna get there but lets pump the brakes a little. =)

As long as they keep the value with original content, most people should continue subscribing to offset the people who jump off to alternate viewing methods due to rates increasing.

We’ve all got our rakes now, right?

At least this year we won’t be seeing ironic tweets about how failed leadership was the cause of wildfires on federal land in California.

For some people that might be true. There still aren’t a ton of ray tracing enabled games, and I think a lot of people can still afford to wait until there are (or have to wait because of budget constraints). It also depends on the games that person plays. Why buy an expensive ray tracing GPU if you don’t play any

When I write “speedier compared to Nvidia’s latest generation of GPUs,” which I write in my opening paragraph BTW, I make it clear I’m talking about the Radeon RX 6000-series cards as a whole compared to the GeForce RTX 30-series cards as a whole. The following paragraph I get more specific about that, and THEN I go

What’s hilarious to me is how righties got their tighty whities in a bunch over this and Dr. Seuss like they’re both the same.

That was my first thought: “Which ISP is going to be the first to loop-hole this thing and make a shit-ton of money without delivering?”

THIS. Some companies (like Verizon and AT&T) were given actual monopolies for years and responded by investing next to nothing in their networks, sometimes maxing out at DSL speeds that would barely count as 3G wireless. They continually failed to hit fiber deployments, even if they were given access to all kinds of

100% agree. One of my sisters lives in one of these underserved areas. And recently received a letter from Elevate informing her that she had the option to switch to their fiber service.

The thing is, the situation in Texas dominated the news that week. It’s not like this was a situation that affected a small town and got little coverage. This was thousands of news articles, and while I don’t watch live news channels, was most likely heavily featured on them as well. Requiring their employees to keep

Because 100/100 is NOT hard to achieve and is a decent standard for future proofing.

I think a better argument is why in the hell 75/75 is acceptable (even as a minimum) in THE urban center of America. They could quite easily give you and everyone else in NYC 200/100 with the flip of a digital switch

I think you’re grossly overestimating how much it costs to make games here. Game development costs factor in salaries and the like when calculated, and most games do not cost hundreds of millions to make per year.

You silly goose. Employees aren’t investors! Money goes to Investors!

These employees are so entitled, expecting an indie studio like CIG to have the ability to treat staff humanely and not go out of business. It’s not like it’s made of mon... oh...

Big lithium batteries aren’t really to keep people’s lights on and heaters running. What they do provide is the ability to keep generators online. If demand suddenly spikes that puts physical strain on generators which are trying to run at a constant frequency. If grid frequency can’t be maintained it can literally