
I have yet to buy anything on that store but I don’t think I ever will solely because of the non-universality of the bits you buy. An emblem, a color scheme, it’s all locked to specific armor sets, weapons, vehicles, etc. The colors should apply to everything, the emblems should apply to everything, it’s obtusely

Yours is “literally” the only negative take on the title that I’ve seen.

This is sort of “anyone who disagrees with me is part of the conspiracy” bullshit is the sort of idiocy that gave us an entire political party overtaken by QAnon dipshits.


Just because someone is enjoying a game that others don’t like doesn’t mean that they have been paid off.

Looks like you fell for the stupid clickbait headline too. This article skews the actual numbers. The number are based on hours and of course people are going to play games like NBA, Madden, CoD and Fortnight more than they will a 5-10 hour long game. These games have insane replayablility. A game like Ratchet would

Some caveats: The ranking is based on cumulative hours played across the playerbase, not on total number of players. (According to Ryan, PS5 players clocked a cumulative 4.6 billion hours.)

This headline is really awful. If it’s an issue with the hardware and the game isn’t actually what’s responsible, probably don’t lead with a direct statement that the game is responsible

I did the same thing except I got errors as soon as I verified payment via Paypal. So I tried again, and again, and again. And then I got the message about not being able to process the transaction because my account had too many recent purchases (of which there were none). Fun times.

Got that too. Kept retrying, it eventually went through. Took 41.mins to order.

My experience:

There must be some way to correct the drift issue. I have the original analog stick controllers from every video game generation going back to the N64, and I haven’t experienced this issue on any other control stick.

This is such an ignorant reply. Of course they can fix the drifting issue, it’s a physical issue due to lazy R&D and lackluster QA. 

I agree. I played it for a good chunk on PC, encountered no gamebreaking bugs and it still felt like much of the gameplay mechanics were rushed and unfinished.

If all they’ve focused on is performance and bugs, it’s still not ready.

I don’t pretend to understand most of the endgame patch stuff - I only just got to the endgame myself - but man, I gotta say ( in relation to the earlier ‘can’t choose between classes’ article), what I’d really like to see is some form of resource sharing between all four classes. Make me level them independently,

Choosing to write a story about Rogen’s clarification isn’t the same thing as picking out a specific anecdote from a larger profile of him.

What’s hilarious to me is how righties got their tighty whities in a bunch over this and Dr. Seuss like they’re both the same.

The thing is, the situation in Texas dominated the news that week. It’s not like this was a situation that affected a small town and got little coverage. This was thousands of news articles, and while I don’t watch live news channels, was most likely heavily featured on them as well. Requiring their employees to keep

I think you’re grossly overestimating how much it costs to make games here. Game development costs factor in salaries and the like when calculated, and most games do not cost hundreds of millions to make per year.