
Well... I like hiking, knitting, cats and good food.

If you will excuse the expression, preach it sister, preach it.

As a feminist pagan.. I agree with her. ANYTIME A WOMAN has to live her life in a more circumscribed way then her manly counterpart in the name of faith it is dis-empowering... and I don't give a flying bird peck which religion it is.

Thanks for saying this.

Unless you plan on footing the bill to figure just why it is some of us can be far more active than/ eat healthier than most skinny people they happen to know then you are part of the problem.

It's easy because the things grow like... weeds. Everywhere.

The leaves are good...

Note the difference in the bodies. The second man is still muscular but he's not as extreme...nor is he a threatening looking sort. Change the ethnicity and he's very close to the build of my fiance. Who, by the way, does not work out that much (runs a wee bit on the weekends and does a few situps/burbies when he

Conan is as tuned for the male gaze as Sonja. He's as much a male fantasy as she in other words. It is unrealistic, you are right about that at least... but if you think he's supposed to appeal to the ladies you'd be dead wrong.

As one of the first ones to note laying off the sunscreen a little bit might be a good idea.. I thought you might be interested in this link. The sun isn't always that bad. Too much of it can be, but too much of anything always is.

But if you want them to benefit from the sunlight you need to lay off the sunscreen. Or at least lay off it for twenty or so minutes. It blocks the good with the bad you see, and it takes roughly twenty minutes (less for very pale, a bit more for very dark skin) to absorb what a person needs Vit D wise.

Very well said. We are but human and don't know everything.

No. I will not shut up about GMOs. They need to be labeled. If people wish to eat them, so be it. Many countries already require their labeling (or just outright ban them) and yet here we are not even requiring the most basic of practices... a label.

This guy... well.. He wasn't in the Navy. He was a GEM!

I think i might know that guy.

I'm a white girl with tailbone long hair.... and I don't wash it but once a week or so and take it easy on those chemicals for many of the same reasons. Over-washing dries hair out then it breaks and splits and it looks like crap. It's a long hair/textured hair thing.

All I can think of are brood mares.

Fuck this. Not buying.

...Not for a VERY long time.

I hate slivers... but I hate what they did to them even more.