
Everybody is reporting this incorrectly. While it may be spoken as "James" it is spelled Yjaiymeise which is a collection of perfectly curated letters that are hand harvested from 100% biodynamic veganic fair trade locally sourced alphabets.

Straight people are free to marry people they are attracted to and love, forming the families that work for them. Likewise, gay people are perfectly free to marry people they are not sexually attracted to and live in hollow marriages that make bigots feel better.

Enough to fill a gay binder?

I feel like someone should do this in his courtroom. It would make his head explode:

This is the face of a man who spends many, many hours masturbating furiously to the language in House Bill 365, and who has a lovely collection of Lulumon catalogues stashed away somewhere.

White people names.

I don't normally feel the need to snark at hippie names—they are what they are and word names are kinda nice—but Summer Rain?

Yo, I learned about Japanese internment camps because my local librarians were bosses, but never did I actually learn about it in school. But, then again, most I learned about slavery in school is a) \Honest Abe stopped it and b) but this cotton gin, #doe.... So I really shouldn't be surprised.

It also seems to reinforce the idea that whites are the default humans. When they say people, they mean white ones.

Words and symbols are important, people, maybe because we, as a civilization, use them as the main vessels of our ideas and history. A cross is always charged with religious symbology, the same way a color is relevant. Sure, whites were the ones oppressing the Black Community, but by not using the word you are erasing

If someone is asking if the first time you have sex with them is the best they have ever had then they have some SERIOUS self-esteem issues. red flag!!! red flags everywhere!!

Right? How do you wait until the end to include the fact that this guy who is telling us how to have a relationship has been divorced twice, at least once because he cheated? I was giving this whole thing side-eye anyway, but come on, guy, you are not who I am hoping to emulate.

I imagine his ex-wives' eyes rolled right out of their heads when they heard he was giving relationship advice.


Believe it or not, having a sense of community is very important within a workplace, even if it's fairly a formal and professional kind of community. Crucially important.

The thing is, I just don't buy that thing about men not "being as competent" at the admin shit as women. I've heard this a lot, and it's such a crock. Answering the phone is a simple task. So are things like opening a letter and seeing that the contents are actioned or filed appropriately. Don't even get me started on

After learning the hard way, here is a list of shit i don't ever do in the office:

I am currently working in an office with a male coworker who is on the same level as me. Administratively, I am expected to take on more because he is not as competent. This means I do a majority of answering phones, dealing with clientele and duties that involve filing, database management and even creating