
I am really hating how many news outlets are making this all about Jameis Winston. Good for Erica Kinsman for telling her story and going on the offensive, but this film isn't about him!! Now people are posting all over social media about how she is assassinating his character and all this bullshit! JUST SHUT UP!

It's all about the Benjamins baby!

I have a better punishment in mind:

Put a sign on your child that says 'I'm not immunized for measles' and see if that makes the ride lineups clear for you!

It's a small world after all

Blake Shelton is one of those guys I really dislike finding attractive. But I can't help myself.

Hypocrisy rilly is the greatest luxury.

I was just thinking glitter would be the appropriate gift. Rainbow glitter dammit.

He means that when a government mandates the installation of this:

I'm looking at this thread of crazy and laughing my ass off. Someone needs to find the gif of the point sailing over the stick figures head.

Maybe that is because we use a cloth curtain? That'sfunny. ARE YOU MY HUSBAND??? hahahah

a flurry of twat mist

You should start wiping your dick on her incredibly soft hand towels then bring up the wet towels when she freaks out on you about it. -Girlfriend whose boyfriend did this.

I'm down for whatever, as long as I don't wake up to a flurry of twat mist in a forest of cock shafts.

This is bullshit. The people working for slave wages in fast food joints have it SO good. They don't need a living wage or heath care. Working yourself to death for a pittance is the American way and their tears make the cheap burgers taste delicious.