@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: Merveilleux, mademoiselle !
@RousseMacabre, from Ravenclaw: Merveilleux, mademoiselle !
@moar_cowbellz: OMGIKNOW
@Moretta: Oh wow that's, uh.... er..... yeah.
@Sandicomm: Maybe she's a mouth breather?
@prettywithapistol: What. the. FUCK.
I can't even really see the clothes in there? What's the point of the catalogue, then? :(
@boyfromanotherplanet: Thank you.
If I had the guts, I would wear the hell out of #39 ... Unfortunately I'd end up playing with the scarf all night self-consciously, folding my arms from insecurity and having shitty posture because I'd feel like a giant.
I would feel sexy wearing #31 with my hair up in a bun and natural make-up. I would feel like a queen warlord in a futuristic dystopia.
@blaaps: This. looks. atrocious.
@bwabwabwa: How can he say such things and still come off so. damn. cute ? Damn you, charisma. Damn you.
That smile... oh dear... that smile, do you not see? ._.
I usually just sit down and do my thing, although I can NEVER do it when someone else is in the bathroom. It's like a wall. I try to close my eyes and see a waterfall of something, I try to plug my ears so I can't hear the person, but dammit. It. won't. work. As soon as the person exits the bathroom though, it's like…
@HurricaneEyes: Amen.
Gnuk gnuk gnuk
@phoghat: Very true ! I would love to see this in HD and slower. What a great sight it would be !
@vicky55: Why wouldn't you ? :)
Very nice ! I bought a cardigan and some shirts a week ago. It's cool that they're doing this, because I saw some Photoshop Disasters on their walls in the not-so-distant past.
@Wenchette: Same here! I loved that story.
@John: I think it's really a combination of a lot of eye shadow (always make the eye look bigger when applied correctly) and special contacts that have really irises. And false lashes.