
I arrived in this country seven years ago on the day before Thanksgiving. The next day, as I walked past all the food loading up my paper plate (the fact we were using disposable plates and cutlery already made things seem strange), I took a little bit of everything. It was as I was eating, I came to realise how

You should have come back for Legion, which is the game’s unquestionable high water mark. I’ve played since the beginning and thought Wrath would never be equaled, but Legion blew it all away.

I mean that’s been Blizzard’s M.O. since they first started in the MMO business.

“WoW Classic” is a funny way of Spelling Final Fantasy XIV, by care of Reddit

She’s following the same trajectory as Garrosh, just with a longer arc.

My friend that I was watching with--who also loved the books--said that the Magisterium gave her “sinister megachurch vibes.” Loved it.

Press F to Deadspin Forever.

now back to making boot flavored soup for lunch. perfect for licking!

I have every support for any and all writers for Kotaku, Deadspin, Splinter or any other Gizmodo site. These are good and clever eggs!
I’d rather show support for the shining individuals involved in this talented pool and indicate that I will follow them (in the worst case scenario) to another location than I would

Oh no, now what am I going to order through the Wish app?

Nothing says “great admirer of gary gygax” quite like suing his widow for 30 mil and divulging ‘troubling facts’ about the estate.

“Unfortunately, my lawyers and I discovered troubling facts about the Estate which prevented me from executing my plans for the Estate,”

Show us on the doll where the mean feminist wouldn’t let you molest her.

Stroke team to Kotaku comments! Get them in the CT! Push TPA, we’re still within the window!

What the actual fuck is this comment?

Gotta agree with this sentiment. A decade or so ago, this raid wouldn’t have even happened. Hell, the government themselves would’ve been doing the counterfeiting.

Well there goes my order from wish.... Fml

You really took try hard contrarian to the extremes there, didn’t ya bud?

He meant to say counterfeit.