
Just because they can travel under the same visa doesn't make them the same...

This is purely an example of older rules adapting to new circumstances.
The specifics under which an athlete is able to get a visa to perform his professional occupation inside another countries borders DO apply to a professional gamer aswell

Or OR, may they all be stuck paying child support for ever and ever amen.


May they all choke to death on a bag of dicks.

The fact that two of the contestants answered 'Zelda' surely would have tipped them off.

This IS a joke.. Ellen Degeneres is one of the most successful comedians ever. What about Joan Rivers??

Can we also talk about the very rich and successful publisher of several large websites, including Kotaku and io9, scoffing at freaking geek shows? Every time I'm exposed to Denton it's in connection to how much contempt he has for the people that are making him rich.

I would watch a documentary series of behind the scenes Supernatural antics. You just know it's like this all. the. time.

I think there should be a 2x multiplier bonus for tongue-on-scrotum action, though... putting anything that hairy and wrinkly in your mouth deserves *some* kind of extra reward.

Girl you do not get to count the inches of cock twice. You can count BJ's given to the same person each time but UP and DOWN don't both get to count.




I find the veracity of this research

That...is the greatest gif I have ever seen.

I used to be the WORLD'S ASSHOLIEST SIZE QUEEN (okay, maybe second to Rihanna but that's only because she has the advantage of exposure and is also supa hot) but then I experienced the best sex of my life with an average-sized dude and I realized how much of an idiot I was. As always, cliches are cliches for a reason

So if Jezebel isn't the place for TMI, I don't know where is: am I the only person who thinks length is totally overrated anyway? Girth and friction in the lower part of the vaginal canal are the source of pleasure IME; getting poked in the cervix and/or ovaries is painful, and worrying it'll happen is a major turnoff.

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff.