
[Probably the same reason being a furry is legal too.] (I can’t figure out how to quote on mobile)

Limited my foot. At that point you might as well just say “Only in major cities, and even then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”

You take those lying words back right now.

I mean, I know kek was a WoW thing, then 4chan adopted it in their own... special... way, but really? I’ve never heard of this till now. Ok, fine, but perhaps we just ignore the manchildren who do this stuff and just keep using kek as an alternative to lol, like it always has been?

I’m old (27). Everything is Moe-this, waifu-that. I don’t mind the softer lines and styles of modern anime, but by the gods it feels like a lot of anime, especially in the last few years, has started to suffer really badly from sameface. My personal favorite thing to rail about is the difference between the original

I remember seeing the original two movies in theaters when they did that short run here in the states. Can’t remember if I saw L: Change the WorLd or not, but I know I knew about it. Didn’t know about the mini-series that lead into this movie or this movie at all. Did they ever release the last two movies with English

Someone with a name I actually recognize! But yeah, it comes down to the fact that we’re largely a self-sustaining fandom, and we have artists who can art at all level of degrees with us. That said too, I swear furries spend enough money on art to support a small countries GDP. I personally can’t art well, but I

If I didn’t have a personal prejudice against Rhode Island, I would totally go to this. Alas, I have vowed to never set foot in that state outside of if I have to pass through :\

I’d care more if I hadn’t just booted up my Vita today to find out that 1) my memory card got corrupted somehow 2) The PS1 games I wanted (Spyro trilogy) isn’t available on NA Vita’s because Activision are twats, and 3) My memory card somehow lost ALL the data on it before I could even try to copy my games and saves

Damn you for making me cry. I forgot about that poem, but it works well here too.

ACTUALLY! There is a Warrior Cats movie in the works.

So come back and catch up. Depending on how far behind you are you could catch up within a week or so (assuming at/near 100)

Feh, this stuff here is pure. Promise it’s non-addictive. We just wanna give you a little taste, see how we’ve changed. You can always quit at any time~ (I say, having QUIT FOREVER due to the shitshow that WoD was and came back during the pre-patch to see some of the changes and haven’t let my sub lapse since then

I mean, I’d still like the Queen to just take us back into the Empire. Brexit can’t be as bad as Lord Dampnut over here.

Hold on hold on hold on. They’re going to gut the actual The Onion site and bring it onto the .kinja.com platform? But... why? It’s better as a standalone site.

Perhaps they are trying to weed out the snowflakes from those of us who are having a right giggle from the just sheer stupidity in the comments. Gropenfurher is still my favorite comment in this mess that I’ve seen so far.

omfg “gropenfurher”. You get a star just for that.

Well, token prices are region-wide, not realm-restricted. Here’s a website that has more info about it per region.

On one hand, I want lore appropriate names. On the other hand, I name almost all my mains Katlamos, and Katlamos Quickdraw is my sona name, and since she’s a cat... >.>

Alright, I have the unfortunate luck to live in Pennsyltucky and I don’t get the joke