I believe your story. There are A LOT of sick people out there.
I believe your story. There are A LOT of sick people out there.
it directly applied to the persons comment. That's what it contributed. Get over yourself dude. You're not the comment board police, you don't decide what is or is not relevant. If You don't like it, don't look at forums. And yes, you are trolling. You're starting an argument for no reason whatsoever. Grow the fuck…
I'm actually not making anything up. I'm not sure why you find it necessary to call someone a liar. I was just commenting on someone's post with a real-life event that applied to her/his comment. I mean, its the Internet dude. You really don't have to get a hard-on over a simple discussion board comment, and I really…
its not bullshit, it happened last night, and you can believe what you want to. Idk why you find it necessary to be a troll, but troll on somewhere else. Trolls and people who yell at me get dismissed. It's rude.
yeah. He said I was retarded because I don't believe that Obama is a secret Muslim terrorist who funds the Taliban on a mission to overthrow the govt, like he believes. He's a real fucking gem.
I was called a nigger last night. So there's no confusion, I'm a white girl. I was having an argument with a girlfriends new bf, and he said "you're being a nigger". I said "excuse me?!" He says "look it up, the definition of a nigger is an uneducated person. You're being retarded, you're a nigger". So of course I…
I would be totally creeped out if the major aspect of my relationship was everyone knowing my sex life (or lack thereof). You know damn well there were people at the wedding thinking "well, they can bang now". That's just weird as fuck.
Exactly this. I even always though that having kids was a selfish decision, not a selfless one. For many reasons. For me, specifically, environmental issues aside, I want to strive in my professional field, and I just don't want to have kids whom I leave all day with someone else, and when I see them I'm tired, and so…
I'm 28, been with my partner 5 years and everyone around me is having babies. Pretty much every time I socialise I have to deal with the "when are you two going to make it official?" and "so when do you think you'll start your family?" questions. Firstly f*ck you and your self righteous judgement on my life: not being…
You said it. It's not like the Earth has a shortage of humans. Adding another human and the carbon footprint that goes along with it is far more 'selfish' than consciously choosing not to.
my decision to not have kids is purely self*less*, not selfish. I feel the world is already strained for resources and I worry about the environment. Every mouth to feed is another parasite on the earth. I want kids, I just don't want to be pregnant or give birth. I fully intend on adopting though, when the time is…
Women who remain childfree don't do so because they hate kids or they're "selfish". They don't have an overwhelming desire to be parents. It's unfortunate that we're all still subjected to questions and speculation, too.
The good news is that we works for Hobby Lobby, so this was covered under his health insurance.
I was ready to defend this girl, but racism works both ways. We all need to practice sensitivity towards others.
But its so good \_(ツ)_/¯
PRIMAL FEAR, FTW!!! Ed Norton, Laura Linney, Richard Gear YES! This is a movie I always search for when I look at upcoming lists and it finally happened :)
LOVE old dogs! I have an old dog who gives no shits about anything (toys, sticks, games, etc), and her name is Brownie. She cares only for naps. Maybe they could sit on a balcony and yell at the muppets together.
Unless they were meatballs, my dog could not care less.
That's what I understand the difference to be, where bisexual would be binary, both, as in male and female, pansexual would cover all the integers of gender between the two.