that would be great if I could do math or science or was good with computers haha
that would be great if I could do math or science or was good with computers haha
What was her bachelors area of study and her intended masters area? Just curious. I have my Bach in counseling psych, and its been recommended by many in the field to get my masters in social work. A combination of bach in psych and masters in sw sets you up for a lot more opportunities in the human services area. I…
35k is definitely live-able in my area, even with NYS taxes. And if you're a two-income household that's even better. And the pension system for public teachers is great, so its not hard to be comfortable and have a nice retirement.
I have my bachelors in psych, and unless you have a masters, it can be difficult to make money. I have to disagree w education though. That really depends on your area and how long you've been employed. Teachers in my area start off at around $38-40k, but can be making close to $50k in 10-15 years, and retire making…
I had my mouth peel from too many salt and vinegar chips. So worth it though.
CVS, Walgreens, and Ulta all have unconditional return policies! I've tried products for a week or two and returned them and they don't care. Just keep the receipt.
My teenage residents in the group home were acting like STRAIT UP FUCKING BATSHIT CRAZY last night. So its gonna be fun for a few days.
I think we're the same person. I just posted this article to fb and wrote "vindicated!" and tagged my professor. She used me as an example in linguistics about up talk and the use of "like". I have two bachelors degrees and sound like a fucking moron with my higher pitched voice and insane use of like and uptalk. I…
4- yes! I couldn't help but grin when he started talking during the visit. So happy that it looks like the cycle might end with them.
I figured it as, Alex is the reason why Piper is in jail, so its just a fitting payback that Piper gets Alex back in jail. I didn't think that was Pipers motive though. I took it as her being angry that Alex was "leaving" her again by skipping town, and was just throwing a Hail Mary to get her to stay.
its called the cross race effect. People are wired to recognize differences in their own races more than others. Even in "similar" ethnicities with common ancestors, such as African blacks and Caribbean blacks, they have a hard time telling the out culture apart among members.
"ok, now I'm going to measure you for your banana hammock. Well, I guess in your case, a baby corn hammock..."
Hmm, must be a store by store thing. My AE is never very loud. But any retail place I've worked in (which is many) had volume controls you could adjust.
CVS has a no questions asked return policy on makeup! I'm returned more than one used lipstick because I didn't like the color once I tried it.
oh, you bet ill do my best to make it a thing!
OMG. That's a very appropriate song to sing while pooping. I think I may use that now if someone asks what I'm doing. "I'm off to build a snowman".
Um, actually, I have never had my fingernails professionally done. So way to be a snarky bitch.
I was thinking the saaaaaame thing... :/
Also for thin haired. The bulk of a scrunchie just makes my meager pony look even smaller by comparison.
It is to me. I worked in retail for years, and at The Children's Place we regularly sent boxes of clothes to the outlet that hadn't sold on clearance. So I just figured that's how they all worked it.