
As someone who works in education for NASA and tries to promote female participation in STEM, I say unto you...

A libertarian friend of mine (who has been on FOX News a couple of times) ripped THE SHIT out of some asshole who thought that sexually active single women were slutty. She even started yelling about how much she enjoyed casual sex and she didn't give a shit what that guy or anyone else at that bar thought.

I'm sorry, what exactly were viewers thinking happened in something called a 'fantasy suite'? Really, I always wondered how a show about one woman dating a dozen or so men at once, presumably engaging in varying degrees of intimacy with several of them, could be so popular given how puritanical our culture can be.

I just think less and less women are going to allow men to use the words "slut" or "whore".

It just goes to show that not all republican women are female misogynists.

Serious question here—if you had agreed to marry one person out of a group of strangers on short acquaintance, how could you not fuck the more interesting ones, just so you know what it's like? I mean, how does this Fox News idiot pick girlfriends?

God, I can't imagine Bob sleeps with any woman every night.

Well done, Andrea Tantaros, well done. I would never expect a woman to defend other women on Faux News unless they're conservative republicans, but you went against the grain and I salute you for that.

Well, no clue if there will or not, but I remember at least 4 or 5 times I've seen some of Gaga's behavior critiqued in the last 8 or 9 months.

I do think she does get a pass they only time they have ever called out gaga was when she wore a burqa and that awful rapey music video snippet. This happened a few days ago and there has still not been a post about it (and i doubt that there will).

Hadn't heard about that, can't say I'm shocked, Gaga and good taste seem to be mutually exclusive.

Also can Jezebel also call out Gaga about her cultural appropriation (you guys also did not report on her defending Katy Perry's "geisha"cultural appropriation a while back), a few days ago she wore this but Jezebel has not reported on it but if Katy Perry did that there would be an article about it by now.

I wonder if I'll ever be as mature as Lorde.

Ahh. Thank you. That was the explanation I was looking for.

It's actually a shame that the ownership of Chick-Fil-A's shitty politics overshadow their way of doing business. I love their franchise model- you can have one, and only one restaurant. No regional monopolies. Plus their ownership model is geared towards getting career managers their own store (ie, the low net

Well, next time use a computer program and not tape and scissors! You aren't fooling anyone.